


 We Are Paper Toys

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之前就介紹過Piperoid所以(2008年)這次去Tokyo的時候就特別注意,而就在逛The National Art Center, Tokyo(國立新美術館)Museum Shop的時候讓我如願以償,興奮地選了三種角色帶回台灣嚕~

Piperoid的Robot分三種,有個性款,經典款以及限量款,取的名字都有其涵義!我買的第一隻是Hammer Rose,一個沉溺於算命且拼命想談戀愛的角色,總是以外表為優先條件選擇對象,忽略身邊的人,討厭自己有寬肩膀的Robot~哈哈哈~這個不是現今社會很普遍的角色嗎?而我把她送給了目前正在尋找結婚對象的好朋友!希望他趕快找到好對象囉^^

●Hammer Rose
A girl robot who yearns for love. Addicted to fortune-telling.She has a weakness for good-looking machines and robots; falls in love at once, makes a move on a guy, and ends up getting tired of him suddenly. Complicated enough, she always says “I want to be in love.” Her priority is neither function nor personality but appearance. She has very demanding conditions for her Mr. Perfect and never shows interest in her work mates. She dose not like her broad shoulders and is starting to do something we cannot tell to keep fit.

第二隻也是經典款,他叫做Muscle Jaw,光看名字就知道它是一隻雄糾糾氣昂昂的Robot。擁有著一忙起來就會盲目的個性,可能會在不是很重要的情況下或事情中盡了全力去做,但總是浪費時間跟沒重點~雖然擁有男子氣概卻老是作一些不合自己個性的事~


●Muscle Jaw

A dashing robot with a giant’s strength.He is not a pushy guy but has a tendency to overreact to things and be blind to his surroundings when he is working very hard. So he might be sometimes seen as an annoying guy. He does his best to do everything even though it may be unnecessary. He tends to act before thinking carefully. As a result what he has done often turns out to be a waste and pointless. This is just among us but he is secretly addicted to something which does not fit in with his macho-like character.

而我自己呢,則留下了2 in 1的組合Penk & Goriborg,原因是2隻才不會孤單無聊呀~(因為家裡也是養2隻貓呢)而他們現在正坐在我收藏櫃裡面呢^^

●Penk & Goriborg

Dr. Penk is little genius doctor. Devoting himself to research and does not care about his fame from his fans calling him cute!! On the other hand, there is Goriborg, a robot built by Dr. Penk and invades the earth under Dr. Penk's command. Goriborg should have been a Super Robot, but it does not function as properly as expected.


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